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X6 Violent Fan

X6 Violent Fan

Regular price $89.90 USD
Regular price $159.00 USD Sale price $89.90 USD
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⭐ Wind speed 53m/s

⭐ Built-in 6000mAh battery

⭐ 140000RPM souffleur air puissant

⭐ Infinite Speed ​​Regulation

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Cleaning snow from car

Blow away all the snow on your car in just a few seconds. In addition, Violent Fan can also blow away rain water on the car, keeping the car's rearview mirror dry and clear.

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Blow clean dirty clothes

Quickly blow away dirt on clothes, especially dirt when you work outdoors and are exposed to a lot of dirt every day.

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Blow fire quickly

Helps you easily light fires without spending too much time. The fire will flare up immediately after you use x6 Violent Fan. Lighting a fire will become simpler for women.

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  • Pet Blow Dry

  • Cleaning Electronic Devices

  • Ignition

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Outstanding features

👉 140000RPM souffleur air puissant

Powerful 140000RPM Jet fan motor for efficient dust removal and cleaning.

👉 Brushless Motor

Equipped with a durable brushless motor for long-lasting performance.

👉 53m/s Wind Speed

Achieves a robust 53m/s wind speed for effective air blowing and vacuuming.

👉 Infinite Speed Regulation

Features infinite speed regulation for optimal air volume control.

👉 Built-in 6000mAh Battery

Comes with a 6000mAh battery for up to 4 hours of low-frequency use.